Fuente: EEA, https://www.eea.europa.eu

Artículo publicado el 17 de mayo de 2022

Consumers can play key role in creating demand for ‘circular’ goods and services

While companies have huge influence in framing and shaping demand for products, consumers play a key role in raising demand for goods and services that have adopted circular economy principles, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing published today.

Policies that promote ‘going circular’ decisions by consumers are most effective if they are designed by addressing factors shaping individual behaviour, according to the new EEA briefing ‘Enabling consumer choices for a circular economy’. The briefing looks at how policies can enable more circular-economy friendly consumer behaviour by understanding the factors that influence it.

Consumers and companies both influence demand for products. Producers not only respond to but also shape consumer demand through the products offered and how the products are marketed. Consumer choices shape decisions made by actors upstream, such as product designers, and downstream, such as recyclers, in product supply chains, according to the EEA briefing.

While economic factors are key, other factors shape consumers choices too


El artículo completo y todos los detalles se pueden encontrar aquí: https://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/consumers-can-play-key-role

Para poder descargarse el documento «Enabling consumer choices for a circular economy’» mencionado,  en el enlace: https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/influencing-consumer-choices-towards-circularity/enabling-consumer-choices-towards-a