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Tienes algo interesante que presentar sobre la gestión de residuos? El equipo del ISWA World Congress 2020 abre el Call for Abstract para recibir propuestas por parte de los profesionales, investigadores, legisladores, jóvenes profesionales, etc.
Las sesiones abiertas a las que se puede enviar propuestas son:

List of sessions open to contributions from the call for abstracts

  • Women of Waste Have Talent!
  • Present, Vote, and Win your space on the WOW! Business Directory!
  • Cities in transition – how to transform the local recycling stations to urban resource centers
  • Challenges in development cooperation projects related to waste management: institutional, economical and social issues, and long term sustainability
  • Innovation in Cities, a focus on North America
  • Island waste management
  • Taking behavioural change to the next level – PAYT, Nudging and Gamification – Relevant abstracts
  • From linear to circular business models – where to start? – Relevant abstracts
    Is the waste sector ready to go beyond weight-based targets?
  • Waste-to-energy. Curse or blessing? Past or future? Supporters and opponents take on the battle
  • Preventing Plastic Soup: do we have the information to effectively clean up litter?
  • Accelerating the uptake of recycled single use plastics
  • Recycling malls all over Europe a fair ambition or a utopia?
  • Optimising plastic packaging reuse from a national perspective
  • How waste management can work together with the urban sanitation sector for a better urban environment and circular economy, examples of the two sectors working successfully together