A continuación algunas de las últimas noticias y artículos publicados por el  EUROPEAN COMPOST NETWORK ,ECN E-BULLETIN NO.12_2023, el boletín correspondiente al mes de diciembre de  2023.

ECN E-BULLETIN NO. 12_December_2023


* ENVI and AGRI Committees share draft amendments to the Soil Law proposal- European Parliament_Soil Monitoring Law

* EU Commission opens feedback period preceding the evaluation of the Nitrates Directive- European Commission_Nitrates Directive

* Belgium to assume Council Presidency under the motto “protect, strengthen, prepare”- EU Council_Belgian Presidency

* Introduction to the concept of Carbon farming, Carbon accounting and Carbon credits- European Joint Soil Programme_Carbon farming

* Rewatch ECN Webinar on World Soil Day!- World Soil Day

* Recordings and presentations available!- European Soil Mission Week (21-23 Nov. 2023)

* Please sign the EU Soil Mission Manifesto!- European Soil Mission_Manifesto

* How to achieve high compost and digestate quality?- Workshop_ECN organised two-day event for its members and Life BioBest consortium

*  …etc.

ECN/CIC Initiative
Save Organics In Soil
It is time to act now!

Don’t miss the chance to sign the manifesto on ‘Save Organics in Soil’:


Todas las noticias en la sección NEWS 

También se pueden consultar los diferentes Boletines mensuales con lo más destacado en cuanto al compostaje, tratamientos biológicos, etc., en su E-bulletin: https://www.compostnetwork.info/news/e-bulletin/