A continuación algunas de las últimas noticias y artículos publicados por el  EUROPEAN COMPOST NETWORK , ECN E-BULLETIN NO.8_2023, el boletín correspondiente a la primera quincena de agosto de  2023.


*  European Court of Auditors deems soil standards and targets as unambitious and limited- European Court of Auditors_Report

*  Court of auditors finds circular economy progress in member states not fast enough- European Court of Auditors_Report

*  EU Commission asks for feedback on new authorised products & substances for organic farming- European Commission_Organic production

*  Evaluation of Sewage Sludge directive finds Member States setting stricter requirements- European Commission_Sewage Sludge Directive

*  Public consultation on implementation rules for including incineration, biomass and biogas into the Emission Trading System- European Commission_Emission Trading System (ETS)_Deadline: 13/08/2023


News from ECN Members

*  Eight Municipalities increased Bio-waste Recycling by 8 %- New Study Results_LIPOR

*  …etc.



*  ECN participates in two workshops, organized as part of the EU Life BioBest project- Workshops on biowaste management_Event announcement

*  Start of the ICAW Poster and Video Contests- ICAW Contests_1 September-1 November 2023



*  Study Tour on Decentralised Bio-Waste Recycling- ISWA_4-8 September 2023

*  International Conference und Excursion- Importance of Soil Functions & Climate Change- European Land and Soil Alliance (ELSA)_14-15 September 2023

Towards Victory in Organics Recycling – For Healthier Soil, Healthier Food & Climate Protection- Organics Recycling Conference 2023- Montréal (Canada)_27-29 September 2023

*  …etc.


*S.O.S Save Organics in Soil – Sign the manifesto ‘Save Organigs in Soil’ here


Todas las noticias en la sección NEWS 

También se pueden consultar los diferentes Boletines mensuales con lo más destacado en cuanto al compostaje, tratamientos biológicos, etc., en su E-bulletin: https://www.compostnetwork.info/news/e-bulletin/